• We have a zero tolerance policy for discriminatory behavior based on an individual’s (self) identity. Any form of abusive, disrespectful or discriminatory behavior will result in your removal and inability to continue attending classes at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts. No exceptions.
• No street shoes on the dance/pole room area.
• Alcoholic beverages or use is prohibited in the studio. If any instructor suspects a student to be inebriated due to alcohol or substance abuse, the instructor has the right
to remove student from the class.
• If any student is behaving in a way that may cause a potential injury to self or others, the instructor has the right to remove student from class.
• Please do not engage in phone conversations or lengthy text messages while the instructor is directing a class. If you absolutely must take a call, please do so outside.
• Please do not wear any oils or lotions to POLE class.
• Please arrive 10 minutes before your class.
• Doors will close within 15 minutes of class start time. We reserve the right to not allow anyone that arrives late to enter the studio and join class. No exceptions. DO NOT BE LATE!
• If you anticipate being late to class, please send a text to your instructor or leave a message on the studio phone at 573 388 3838. It is at the discrepancy of the instructor to allow you to participate in class.
• No passes will be credited or reimbursed for absence due to tardiness. No exceptions.
• No undergarments are to be worn in place of pole wear.
• No street shoes on the pole stages room area.
• No hand/finger jewelry that can scratch the poles (bracelets, rings, etc.).
• For a heels event, no street shoe heels allowed. Only heels designed specifically for pole dancing are allowed.
• If you wish to film yourself, please wait for the instructor to indicate when it’s okay to do so (usually at the end of class). In some instances the instructor may allow filming at her/his discretion (ie. to capture a new trick or move, etc.).
• If any individuals are captured in your video, ask for permission before posting to social
• If you cannot make a class, you may ask to make it up in another class offered at another day/time for the same level IF THERE IS SPACE AVAILABLE. Please contact the instructor in this situation. It will be at the instructor's discretion if you choose to just drop in whether to allow you into class or not.
• There are no monetary refunds offered for cancelled or no-shows to classes. Absolutely no exceptions.
• We will try to accommodate cases in which emergencies arise as much as possible.
• If for any reason we need to cancel classes (ie. weather, remodeling, etc.), students will be given the option to reschedule class or obtain a class credit.
• Use of open pole time is reserved for The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts students only. If you are not a student at our studio, please contact us for clearance.
• We strongly encourage the use of wireless headphones.
• Please do not perform tricks or moves you have never done before or are out of your level. While we want to encourage our students to soar, we also want you to be safe!
• When switching your pole from static to spin, please return the pole to static mode
before leaving.
• There are no monetary refunds for classes, workshops or other special event cancellations or no shows. No exceptions.
• If you cancel within the 24 hour cancellation period, a credit will be issued to your account. There are no monetary refunds.
• If you are unable to use an already purchased class pass, we will gladly put a hold on it until you are able to do so.
The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts, its owner and instructors, reserve the right to refuse service to any individual for any reason deemed necessary.
Aerial Arts
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
General Studio Rules and Policies
All students (and their parent(s)/guardian(s) if the student is under 18) must familiarize themselves with these Safety Policies and Procedures and must sign the Safety Policies and Procedures before the first day of class for the current session. By signing, students and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) attest to the fact that they have read these policies and procedures and that they agree to abide by them at all times. At the discretion of The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts, students who break these policies and procedures may face disciplinary action, which can range from a coach or staff verbal warning to a written behavior report and student/parent/staff conference or even to the extent of a suspension or expulsion from the program depending on the nature of the issue. If an infraction results in suspension, the student will not be allowed to take further classes at Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts until a parent/staff/student conference has been attended and conditions rectifying the behavior have been agreed upon.
Families’ cooperation in helping to make The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts a safe environment for the practice of circus arts is appreciated by the coaches, staff, and fellow students.
The goal of our space is defined in our guiding principles and values as a for-profit adult and youth organization that assists people all all ages to develop circus arts and life skills in a supportive environment. The school’s first responsibility is to the physical, mental, and emotional safety of the participants. Because the activities are inherently hazardous, it is necessary that all students and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and follow these policies and procedures. If a student or parent/guardian has an idea or concern to address which could enhance safety, please email your suggestion to Lauren Jones, Owner at info@theedgepilatesaerialarts.com or to our Director of Youth Programming, Melinda D’Angelo at Mindy@theedgepilates-aerialarts.com. Any major concerns should be brought to the attention of the owner, Lauren K Jones, as soon as possible.
1. The student is responsible for understanding all information specific to the student’s class activities. When a student does not understand directions, it is their responsibility to ask the coach prior to participating in the activity.
2. Annual Forms: All students must have a signed Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts’ Consent and Release and Safety Policies and Procedures waiver form each academic year. These forms are available as part of the annual pre-registrations and must be signed by adult students (18+) or by the primary parent/guardian for students age 17 and under. Emergency contact and medical information (medical diagnoses, allergies, medications, etc.) must be updated if there is any change. All student emergency and medical information is accessible and editable on their Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts online account.
3. Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts building safety instructions must always be followed by students and families. This includes, but is not limited to, the following rules as well as any verbal instructions given by coaches and/or staff members during classes.
• Never walk under a net.
• Never walk under a trapeze when someone is using it.
• Avoid walking across a crash mat; if there is a crash mat there, it is likely someone is hanging above it.
• Be aware of other activities and never interfere with another class or training session unless specifically instructed to by a coach.
• No food or drink in the training areas of the arena, excepting non-glass water bottles which are permitted.
• Equipment use must always be supervised by the appropriate coach for that apparatus.
• Between classes students need to be in the upstairs lobby area. If students are not in class, they should not be “hanging out” by equipment or in the vicinity of any class in which they are not participating.
• Any injury must be immediately reported to the student’s coach and/or front office. In general, a coach will fill out an Injury Report Form before the student can return to class.
• Like our policy for physical injury, any instance of aggressive or intentionally harmful behavior should also be reported immediately to The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts staff. In general, the Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts coach or staff member will fill out a Behavior Report Form to record the incident and begin the process of laying out next steps.
• Families and guests (including children) are not allowed on the arena floor and must stay in the lobby and/or the designated secure viewing areas, as available. Only students registered for classes during that hour should be on the arena floor.
• Put trash, recycling, and compostable items in the appropriate bin(s). Failure to clean up one’s mess will result in mandatory cleanup duty.
• Clothes, gym bags, and/or personal articles should be in the lockers or in the cubbies supplied in the front lobby. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items; valuables should be kept at home.
• Glass water bottles and other glass containers are strictly prohibited at Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts. Much of our training is barefoot, making broken glass particularly hazardous – no glass is to be brought into the studio.
• Structures in the common areas (for example, the supports in the lobby, stair railings) are not circus equipment and should never be used as such.
• Smoking is prohibited inside facility or on the grounds.
• In accordance with federal laws applied to federal grant recipients, Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is a drug-free environment.
• Inherent in learning the circus arts is taking responsibility for one’s own safety and learning the safety aspects of the equipment, as well as being prepared both mentally and physically for one’s act. As a participant in Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts classes, camps, private lessons and/or other training, it is the responsibility of the student and student’s family to review and practice the principles outlined below before participating in any Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts activity.
Practice common sense: Due to the variety and unpredictability of hazardous situations that could arise, preparedness, awareness, and common sense are critical to safety. If a situation or equipment problem is observed, report it to a coach or staff member immediately.
Be mentally prepared: Students should not try a movement they do not feel prepared to try. Students should anticipate problems, ask questions, and be responsible for themselves. Students should also understand that some classes require a high-level of physical contact between students, and by enrolling in those acts are agreeing to participate at that level of contact. Students are always encouraged to self-advocate for their own comfort levels and personal boundaries throughout training. If a student is uncomfortable with the level of contact requested by a coach or act, the student is responsible for bringing this concern to their coach or Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts staff so we may make reasonable efforts to accommodate those needs. In some cases, it may be addressed by a simple alteration of routine, while in others it may mean the student should transfer to another act that fits within that student’s personal comfort level. Students/families should thoroughly review the description of each act in the session guide to understand the training expectations. Any further questions may be directed to our front desk staff and we would be happy to help you.
Be physically prepared: Have adequate rest and nutrition. It is critical to warm up and stretch before class – students should arrive at least at least 10 minutes before normal class time and use this time to prepare for that class (change clothes, use the bathroom, fill up their water bottle, tie up hair, etc.). Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Be aware that illness may affect one’s abilities, and students who are not feeling well should stay home. If a student does not feel physically ready to engage in a trick, they should discuss the situation with their coach before participating. In case of training after injury, students must provide a doctor’s note stating that they may participate and to what extent before being allowed to return to training. However, Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has the final decision on whether a student can safely participate, and to what extent, if any, regardless of doctor recommendation.
Know the equipment: Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts regularly inspects its equipment, and equipment knowledge is considered a basic part of a student’s circus education. Students may be asked to help set up equipment and mats at the beginning of class. If something appears worn or broken or in any way unsafe, it should immediately be reported to a coach and not used until a coach has confirmed it is safe for use. Remember to always use passive safety equipment (such as mats, crash pads, or a net) as specified for your activity.
Be supportive of other students, staff and Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts community members: Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is an inclusive community and, as such, will not tolerate any type of bullying in classes, on the premises, or via social media. The mental and emotional health of our students, coaches, staff, and community at large is an integral part of creating a safe and supportive circus community. Any such behavior that is deemed to be detrimental to any student, coach, volunteer, parent, or staff member will result in discipline up to and including dismissal. Continued concerns will initiate a parent/staff/student conference. Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying for the safety of all participants.
Medications: Many prescription and non-prescription drugs, including herbal remedies, can affect judgement and coordination. It is the student’s responsibility to know all possible side effects. For safety reasons, if in doubt, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted. Pain killers, such as Advil and Tylenol, are available through an instructor and only for adult use – students under 18 are not permitted access unless specially permitted by the parent/guardian on file at the time of the request.
Drugs: Students may not come to or participate in any activities at Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts under the influence of any drug (including marijuana). A drug is defined as: (i) illegal controlled substances as defined by Missouri law (ii) legal controlled substances that are being used or possessed illegally (iii) legal controlled substances that could adversely affect the ability of the student to participate at Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts safely. Students are prohibited from possessing, storing, transferring, or using drugs, or attending classes or performances under their influence. The only limited exception to the prohibition against drugs is prescription drugs used in accordance with a valid prescription, and so long as one can participate safely without unsafe side effects (see above). Suspected or known use of drugs will result in suspension of all Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts activities and initiate a parent/staff/student conference, which may result in immediate dismissal. Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has a zero- tolerance policy for drug use for the safety of all students, coaches, and staff.
Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol on Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts premises (including parking lots, surrounding streets, and off-site event locations) is prohibited, except for refreshments being served by designated personnel during events to adults (not participating in any show) over the age of 21. Students may not come to The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts under the influence of alcohol. Use of alcohol by a participant before or at class may be cause for immediate dismissal. Suspected use of alcohol will result in suspension of any Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts activities and initiate a parent/staff/student conference. The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking and/or for drinking on site, for the safety of all students, coaches, and staff.
Smoking: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is a smoke-free facility. Smoking and tobacco use in any form (including lighting, smoking, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe; any electronic smoking device; and chewing tobacco) is prohibited inside the building, is not allowed in the vicinity of the front entrance at all, and is not allowed within 25’ of the side or back doors. The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has a zero-tolerance policy for underage smoking.
Guns: Missouri is a concealed carry state and guns, firearms, or other weapons, while not encouraged to be on campus, we do comply with federal law and ask that our students/parents/visitors also be in compliance with all state and federal laws concerning conceal/carry. Violation of state/federal conceal/carry laws is grounds for expulsion from the studio and classes.
Theft: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. However, The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has a zero-tolerance policy for theft. This includes removal of another student’s equipment, costume, footwear, or any other personal possessions from the locker rooms, cubbies, or any part of the building, hiding another’s items, or otherwise moving anyone’s personal items without their permission. It also includes theft from and between anyone in the viewing area, the lobby, and other public spaces.
Zero Tolerance Policy: When we say “zero tolerance,” we mean it. Any student or parent/guardian who commits any act that is contrary to this Student Handbook and the Safety Policies and Procedures, or who violates a rule of common sense or decency, may face discipline (e.g. removal, dismissal, suspension) and/or a parent/staff/student conference. It is in the sole discretion of The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts to determine if an incident fits within our zero-tolerance guidelines. In addition, a progressive form of discipline may not be followed in all cases. Depending on the nature of the violation and the surrounding circumstances, including, but not limited to, the nature of the conduct or the student’s record and past conduct, one or more steps of the discipline process may be repeated or skipped. In some circumstances, and in The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts’s sole discretion, immediate discharge may result from a single incident. In cases of suspension or dismissal, there will be no refunds or made-up classes.
Active and Passive Safety Equipment: Our students’ safety is our number one concern and priority. If at any time a student has any hesitation as to the safety of any equipment, that student should not use the equipment until they are personally satisfied as to the safety of the equipment and have discussed their concern with a coach. We are always happy to explain any safety equipment to students or parent(s)/guardian(s) in detail and encourage students to ask for clarification and further instruction so they are comfortable before participating in the activity. Students should not use any equipment that they feel is unsafe.
Passive safety equipment: This consists of runners, mats, crash pads, and nets, which must always be used. Passive equipment may decrease the severity of accidents but may not prevent injury. They are to be in place in case active spotting fails or is not being used. Proper set-up position and thickness must be used. Everyone is responsible for ensuring equipment is not modified or used in a way that compromises its effectiveness. If something is out of place, please notify a coach or staff member immediately.
Carabiners: Several types of locking carabiners are used to secure safety lines. Students should make sure that they understand how to lock the carabiners they are using – if they do not, they should not be using that apparatus until a coach gives them proper instruction. Always double check the gate to make sure it is securely locked. If a carabiner seems to be stuck or difficult to move, notify the coach before using it. Coaches are always expected to check the equipment before a student uses it.
Active spotting: We have two forms of active spotting at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts. The first form of spotting used for all activities at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is hand spotting. Hand spotting is when a The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts instructor uses direct physical contact to support and ensure the safety of the student through hands-on contact. All The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts participants and family members must recognize that by enrolling in these activities they agree to the use of hands-on spotting as determined by The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts instructors for safety. Secondly, we use a variety of active spotting systems such as belts, carabiners, pulleys, and spotting lines. Use of these systems will vary, depending on skill levels and act requirements. When safety lines are required, a The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts instructor must hold them.
Shoes: Students must wear proper footwear at all times. Proper footwear can range from barefoot to specialized sneakers – please check with the act instructor as to what is appropriate.
Injuries and Emergencies: In an emergency, 911 should be called immediately. There is a phone at the front desk in the main studio area that can be used. Although all The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts instructors are required to have trained and updated certification in emergency first aid, concussion, and CPR, the school does not maintain emergency medical equipment and does not have emergency response personnel. It is important that student emergency contact and medical information (medical diagnoses, allergies, medications, etc.) is always up to date in case of emergency. Any injury that results in a participant leaving class or receiving treatment by a physician must be reported to the office as soon as possible. The coach will then fill out an injury report form before the student may return to class.
Insurance Coverage: Like any adult and/or youth sports organization, The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts maintains general liability insurance, which is commonly referred to as “spectator insurance.” In the event of an accident, this coverage may extend to some planned off- site events. This insurance is not intended to substitute for a participant’s own major medical insurance, which each student must have or sign a waiver form for before being allowed to enroll in a course. Before participating in this or any activity, the participant should carefully consider their need for and adequacy of hospitalization insurance covering medical expenses, rehabilitation, long term care, and loss of income. Again, it is the student’s or parent’s responsibility to always keep the emergency contact and health information up to date in the registration system.
Emergency Action Plans: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts has developed emergency plans with both evacuation and shelter-in-place options in response to a variety of emergency scenarios. At our discretion, we may periodically conduct drills of these plans. The complete The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts Emergency Action Plan guidebook is located at the front desk.
Inspections: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts conducts rigorous semi-annual outside inspection of our rigid equipment through a certified rigger. Visual Inspection are conducted by instructors/staff each time an apparatus is in use. Fire and safety systems, sprinklers, and alarms are inspected by the city/county agency responsible for such items on an annual basis. If something is out of place, please notify a member of staff immediately.
Community: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts community has an important role to play in everything we strive to create and sustain at the studio. We depend heavily on the support of our community to create that supportive, close-knit atmosphere that is at the heart of what we do. Families and community members play valuable roles at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts as parents, audience members, financial supporters, advocates/promoters, and so much more! The code of conduct outlined below serves as a guideline for what kind of behavioral conduct we expect from our community. We are so grateful to our students, families, and community members for all their support in keeping The Edge Pilates Aerial Arts a safe and supportive environment for all!
Code of Conduct
Behavior – Students: Good sportsmanship, polite manners, an inclusive and supportive attitude, and a good disposition are expected at all classes, workshops, private lessons, rehearsals, and events. At The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts we strive to create a culture of mutual respect and expect all members of our community to treat each other with the respect they would expect in return. The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts does not tolerate gossip of fellow students, coaches, or members of staff, which is considered disruptive to the learning process. Violent or aggressive behavior, malicious or discriminatory comments, and harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited. This kind of behavior at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is considered bullying, for which we have a zero-tolerance policy.
Negative behavior and comments, on-site or off-site via methods such as social media, quickly destroys the sense of family and community we strive to build. While a remark may seem inconsequential, there is no way to determine how hurtful it can be to others or how it can snowball. If a behavior issue arises between students or becomes apparent during regular classes/camps, the responsible instructor will submit a behavior report to staff to initiate the proper follow-up with parents. Although each situation is unique and will be handled individually as needed, we typically have a 3-step behavior process following a behavior incident with a student:
1) The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts will notify the parents of the behavior issue or the adult student by phone or email as a first warning with instructions to take whatever personal steps are necessary in order to resolve the issue/stop further negative behavior.
2) If the behavior continues, or if the initial incident was particularly concerning or severe, a parent/staff/student conference will be held to discuss appropriate next steps.
3) If the behavior continues to be a problem after the conference, the student(s) will be removed from the class or camp in which they are having behavioral issues.
In some cases, it may be necessary for the student to be dismissed from the The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts studio—including our Pilates and Pole classes— as a whole. Any temporary or permanent student suspensions are determined at the sole discretion of the The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts owner—see “Zero-Tolerance Policy.”
Behavior – Parents/Guardians and Family Members: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts does not tolerate gossip of students, coaches, or members of staff in our community. As with our students, negative parent behavior and comments regarding The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts, whether on-site or off-site via methods such as social media, quickly destroys the sense of family and community we strive to build. While a remark may seem inconsequential, there is no way to determine how hurtful it can be to others or how it can snowball. Remember, a strong and supportive community is the first step in creating a safe place for our students to learn and grow. Help us foster the supportive circus community our students deserve by bringing a positive and well-meaning attitude to all your interactions at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts.
Violent or aggressive behavior, malicious or discriminatory comments, and harassment of any kind towards The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts students, staff, volunteers, coaches, or other parents/community members is strictly prohibited. This kind of behavior at The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts is considered bullying, for which for which we have a zerotolerance policy. Patterns of aggressive or hostile parent communication with The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts staff, coaches, and volunteers may be grounds for the student(s)’ dismissal from the program. We ask parents and guardians to please remember that discussions with coaches must be held at the appropriate time and place - when coaches are instructing a class they are expressly prohibited from individual parent conferences for the safety of the class. Please do not yell or call out to coaches while they are instructing. No Parent/ guardian/friend coaching from the sidelines is allowed. Communication intended for coaches should be sent to the Lauren K Jones, Owner at info@theedgepilatesaerialarts.com so they can pass it along accordingly. For safety reasons, please also refrain from any communication with students while they rehearse or perform.
If a problem arises between parents, it is expected that it will be resolved amicably and settled outside of The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts Disputes of this nature cannot be allowed to harm the learning environment nurtured by the The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts staff and its coaches. If a situation cannot be resolved amicably, one or both parties may be asked to leave the The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts program.
Behavior – Coaches: The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts prides itself on contracting with esteemed coaches/instructors/teachers/performers from all over the world; we believe this makes our program better rounded and provides our students with an international perspective on the circus arts. All our coaches are fully trained, and many are considered leaders in their field. Our coaches each have unique and individual coaching styles and techniques reflective of their training background. All training and routine decisions are left to the discretion of the coaches, though based on a The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts-developed curriculum in conjunction with Born to Fly/Paper Doll Militia aerial teacher training programs & NECCA Circus & Smirkus programs. If a parent has questions or concerns, they may feel free request a conference with a coach or a staff member to discuss. The coaches reserve the right to stop training at any time for any reason during class. Additionally, our coaches may dismiss a student from class if their behavior is physically or emotionally harmful to their classmates and/or other coaches. Please understand that a coach would not make these decisions unless they had deemed it necessary, and we support our coaches in these decisions.
Sexual Behavior: All forms of inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature will not be tolerated on The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts property or at any location where The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts performances, trips, or activities are taking place. Any incidences reported to The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts will be taken very seriously and may instigate a parent/staff/student conference. Please remember that The Edge Pilates-Aerial Arts students may be as young as five years old, and older students serve as role models for younger students.